Call for Nominations for CSBBCS / SCSCCC Awards

The call for nominations for all CSBBCS / SCSCCC annual awards is out!

CSBBCS / SCSCCC Donald O. Hebb Award:

Nominations are invited for the 2025 CSBBCS / SCSCCC Donald O. Hebb Award. The description of this award is set out below. Past awardees were Gus Craik (1998), Mel Goodale (1999), Jane Stewart (2000), Brenda Milner (2001), Bryan Kolb (2002), Barrie Frost (2003), Vince Di Lollo (2004), Doreen Kimura (2005), Shep Siegel (2006), Morris Moscovitch (2007), Raymond Klein (2008), Pierre Jolicoeur (2009), Colin MacLeod (2010), Ellen Bialystok (2011), Sara Shettleworth (2012), Jim Enns (2013), Ian Whishaw (2014), Daphne Maurer (2015), Donald Stuss (2016), Gordon Winocur (2017), Michael Masson (2018), Douglas Mewhort (2019), Alan Kingstone (2020), Derek Besner (2021), Robert Sutherland (2022), Jo-Anne LeFevre (2023), and Debra Titone (2024). For information about past awardees, please visit:

Nominations remain active for three years. Therefore, nominations submitted for the award in the years 2022 and 2023 need not be re-submitted; they will be considered automatically by the selection committee. Nominations of members of equity-seeking groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) are especially encouraged.

This award may, but need not be made to an individual who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has made a significant contribution to the study of brain, behavior, and cognitive science. The committee shall be composed of the three most recent past presidents of the Society, plus the three most recent recipients of the CSBBCS / SCSCCC Vincent Di Lollo Early Career Award, and the committee shall be chaired by the least most recent of the past presidents. Members of the decision committee are not eligible for nomination.

In making its selection the committee will consider the following three criteria:

  • An individual whose research has been sustained and meritorious and has enhanced the knowledge base of brain, behavior, and cognition,
  • An individual whose training of students, postdoctoral fellows and colleagues has had a significant impact on brain, behavior, and cognitive science, and
  • An individual whose influence has been exerted through leadership as a theorist or spokesperson for the discipline.

Normally, the awardee shall have conducted a significant proportion of their research training or disciplinary work within Canada and a record of sustained participation in the CSBBCS / SCSCCC. The awardee will be invited to give the Donald O. Hebb Distinguished Contribution address at the annual CSBBCS / SCSCCC meeting of that year and to prepare a paper based on that address for publication in the Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. Up to $1500 in travel expenses will be borne by CSBBCS / SCSCCC.

Nominations must include an electronic version of the complete curriculum vitae of the nominee, and a letter of nomination highlighting the significance of the contributions of the nominee.

Nominations must be received by March 1, 2025. Nominations should be sent to Chris Oriet at:

The CSBBCS / SCSCCC Vincent Di Lollo Early Career Award:

The CSBBCS / SCSCCC Vincent Di Lollo Early Career Award recognizes the exceptional quality and importance of the contributions of a new researcher to knowledge in brain, behaviour, and cognitive science in Canada. Past awardees were Debbie Kelly (2011), Frank Russo (2012), David Feinberg (2013), Shayna Rosenbaum (2014), Evan Risko (2015), Katherine Guérard (2016), Morgan Barense (2017), R. Nathan Spreng (2018), Signy Sheldon (2019), Gordon Pennycook (2020), Jonathan Fawcett (2021), Brendan Johns (2022), Daniela Palombo (2023), and Meg Schlichting (2024). For information about past awardees go to:

Selection of the award recipient is based on the examination of the nominee’s record of early career research contributions. One award may (but need not) be conferred annually. Nominations of women, BIPOC individuals, persons with disabilities, and other members of equity-seeking groups are strongly encouraged.

  • A nominee must normally be within 10 years of receiving their PhD and a member of the CSBBCS / SCSCCC at the time of receiving the award.
  • The winner will receive a plaque and a $1000 cash award.
  • Nominations can be made to the President at any time, but a call for nominations is normally sent to the CSBBCS / SCSCCC membership early in each calendar year.
  • Nominations may be made by any active member of the Society. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • Nominations should consist of a nominating letter and a copy of the nominee’s CV.

Nominations remain active for three years. Therefore, nominations submitted for the award in the years 2023 and 2024 need not be re-submitted; they will be considered automatically by the selection committee.

A review committee consisting of the three most recent CSBBCS / SCSCCC presidents (i.e. President, immediate Past President, and President-Elect OR President, immediate Past President, and second most immediate Past President) will consider the nominees prior to the Society’s annual meeting, where the announcement of the winner will normally take place. The review committee at its discretion may seek expert reviews of a nominee’s contributions.  Members of the decision committee are not eligible for nomination.

Nominations must be received by March 1, 2025. Nominations should be sent to Geneviève Desmarais at: with a cc to

In the event that an Award is made, a presentation will take place during the annual meeting of the Society in July 2025.

The CSBBCS / SCSCCC Richard Tees Distinguished Leadership Award:

Nominations are invited for the 2025 CSBBCS / SCSCCC Richard Tees Distinguished Leadership Award. The description of this award is set out below. Past awardees were Richard Tees (2004), Franco Lepore (2005), Lorraine Allan (2006), Vince Di Lollo (2007), Melvyn Goodale (2008), Michael Masson (2010), Julien Doyon (2011), Ray Klein (2012), Peter Graf (2014), Penny Pexman (2015), Colin MacLeod (2017), Aimée Surprenant (2018), Debra Titone (2019), Jean Saint-Aubin (2020), Valerie Thompson (2021), Randy Jamieson (2022), and Bill Hockley (2023). For information about past awardees, please visit

Nominations remain active for three years. Therefore, nominations submitted for the award in the years 2023 and 2024 need not be re-submitted; they will be considered automatically by the selection committee.

The Executive Committee of the CSBBCS / SCSCCC serves as the Tees Award Committee. Members of the decision committee are not eligible for nomination.

In making its determination, the committee will consider the following criteria and other factors pertinent to leadership and service to the CSBBCS / SCSCCC community:

  • Advancement and administration of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science.
  • Contributions to the training of students and technical staff in psychology both at one's own institution and nation-wide.
  • Advancement of research and scholarship by involvement with granting agencies that fund research concerning brain, behavior, and cognition.
  • Contributions to Canadian journals of psychology.
  • Advancement of research and scholarship by means of basic and applied scientific contributions to the discipline.
  • Promotion of interaction between the CSBBCS / SCSCCC and other psychology organizations and direct service to the latter organizations.
  • Promotion of scientific and administrative collaborations that advance the causes of the scientific study of brain, behavior, and cognition.

Nominations must include an electronic version of a complete curriculum vitae of the nominee, and a letter of nomination highlighting the service contributions to the Society by the nominee. This is not an annual award but will be awarded by the CSBBCS / SCSCCC Executive to recognize extraordinary leadership and service to the CSBBCS / SCSCCC community. Nominations of members of equity-seeking groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) are especially encouraged

Nominations must be received by March 1, 2025. Nominations should be sent to Geneviève Desmarais at: with a cc to

In the event that an Award is made, a presentation will take place during the annual meeting of the Society in July 2025.

CSBBCS / SCSCCC Mid-career Award:

At the 2019 Business Meeting, the membership agreed to create a Mid-Career Award. See for information about the award.

This award may, but need not be made to an individual who, in the opinion of the selection committee, has made a significant contribution to the study of brain, behaviour, and cognitive science. Eligible nominees must have completed their Ph.D. at least 11 years, but not more than 25 years, prior to receiving the nomination. Nominations of members of equity-seeking groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) are especially encouraged.

Previous winners include Penny Pexman (2020), Denis Cousineau (2021), Jean Saint-Aubin (2022), Jelena Ristic (2023), and Daniel Smilek (2024).

In making its selection the committee will consider the following three criteria:

  • An individual whose research has been sustained and meritorious and has enhanced the knowledge base of brain, and cognition,
  • An individual who has a promising record of training of students, postdoctoral fellows and colleagues who have had a significant impact on brain, behavior, and cognitive science, and
  • An individual who is emerging as a leading theorist or spokesperson for the discipline.

Eligible nominees will be members of CSBBCS / SCSCCC in good standing. Normally, the awardee shall have conducted a significant proportion of their research training or disciplinary work within Canada and have a record of regular participation in the CSBBCS / SCSCCC. The awardee will be invited to give the Mid-Career Award Address at the annual CSBBCS / SCSCCC meeting of that year. The winner will receive a cheque for $1000. 

The selection committee shall make allowances for career disruptions in adjudicating nominations for the award. 

Nominations must include an electronic version of the complete curriculum vitae of the nominee, and a letter of nomination highlighting the significance of the contributions of the nominee.

Nominations must be received by March 1, 2025. Nominations should be sent to Jelena Ristic at with a cc to


Nominations are invited for 2025 CSBBCS / SCSCCC Fellows. Fellows shall be members of the CSBBCS / SCSCCC who have made distinguished, sustained, and exceptional contributions to the Society and to the advancement of the field of brain, behaviour, and cognitive science. A list of current CSBBCS / SCSCCC Fellows can be found at

The selection committee shall be chaired by the most recent past president and shall be composed of all current executive committee members and the two most recent recipients of the Richard C. Tees Distinguished Leadership award.

To be eligible, the nominees shall be current members of the Society who earned their doctoral degree at least 10 years prior to the nomination. Members of the selection committee are not eligible.

In making its selection, the selection committee will consider four criteria:

  • Active involvement in the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science;
  • Significant contributions to the study of brain, behaviour, and cognition;
  • Involvement with granting agencies and/or journals in the areas of brain, behaviour, and cognition; and,
  • Significant contributions to the training of highly qualified personnel in the areas of brain, behaviour, and cognition

Nominations must include the nominee’s complete curriculum vitae and a nomination letter from at least one current CSBBCS / SCSCCC member highlighting the nominee’s contributions for each selection criterion.

Nominations should be sent electronically to Aimée Surprenant at with a cc to Nominations must be received on or before March 1, 2025.