2007 Richard C. Tees Distinguished Leadership Award Winner: Dr. Vincent Di Lollo

I wish to nominate Vince Di Lollo for The Richard Tees Distinguished Leadership Award. I can think of nobody more appropriate to be the first BBCS member to win both of our major awards, given Vince’s devotion to the organization since its inception as well as to our science at all levels in the country.
The first criterion for the Tees award is the “advancement and administration of the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science.” This one is just too easy: Vince was there for the birth of the organization, has served it continuously and with singular commitment since then, and has of course been its President.
The second criterion is “contributions to the training of students and technical staff in psychology both at one's own institution and nation-wide.” Vince is incredibly supportive of students, whether graduate or undergraduate, nurturing and reinforcing to bring out the very best in them. I would add that this is a quality not restricted to students—he has been immensely helpful to me and to a great many colleagues throughout our discipline.
The third criterion is “advancement of research and scholarship by involvement with granting agencies that fund research concerning brain, behaviour, and cognition.” Another absolutely straightforward one. Vince has of course served on the NSERC panel including, I believe, two stints as Chair. He has served on all of the NSERC reallocation panels, mobilizing the brain, behaviour, and cognition community to put its best foot forward. Indeed, he has been our watchdog with respect to NSERC, and on this basis alone we should recognize his leadership and dedication.
The fourth criterion is “contributions to Canadian journals of psychology.” How about serving a stint as Editor of the then Canadian Journal of Psychology?
The fifth criterion is “advancement of research and scholarship by basic and applied scientific contributions to the discipline.” How about having already won the Hebb Award?
The sixth criterion is “promotion of interaction between BBCS and other psychology organizations and direct service to the latter organizations.” Vince tried hard to keep CPA and BBCS in some kind of collaboration, although ultimately he saw this task as doomed. But he continues to advocate communication between the two societies. He has also been supportive of the joint meetings with the Experimental Psychology Society in the UK.
The seventh criterion is “promotion of scientific and administrative collaborations that advance the causes of the scientific study of brain, behaviour, and cognition.” I am not quite sure what this should entail beyond what was covered by the previous criteria, but I would say that he certainly more than fits the bill here as on the previous criteria.
In sum, to use a somewhat overworked phrase, this award seems to me to be a “slam dunk.” Vince Di Lollo is a leader nonpareil in our science and our organization, and richly deserves our recognition for that leadership. I honestly think this award would mean as much to him as the Hebb Award did, which shows you his dedication.
Colin M. MacLeod