Please click here to view the conference program.
Materials presented at the Open Science pre-conference Workshop can be found here.
The 2018 CSBBCS joint conference with the Experimental Psychology Society of the UK will be held from July 4th to July 7th in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. All talks, posters, and presentations will be held at the Delta Hotel. This venue is close to restaurants, other hotels, and the historic downtown area. The conference will start at 3 PM on July 4th and end on July 7th at 4 PM.
Membership in CSBBCS or EPS is required to register for the conference.
CSBBCS Members: A current membership in CSBBCS is needed to be able to register for the conference. Please click here to purchase/renew your membership. Once you have done so, a link will appear allowing you to register for the conference.
EPS Members and Affiliates: A free membership is available to you to allow you to access the conference registration portal. Please log in to the Members portion of the EPS website to find a promotional code that can be used to purchase a Full Membership in CSBBCS at no charge. If you are not a member of EPS, you will need to be sponsored by an EPS member. Once you have confirmed your registration as a guest member of CSBBCS, a link will appear allowing you to register for the conference.
Talks and Posters: Talks are 20 minutes (15 minutes + 5 minutes for questions per speaker). Maximum poster size is 48” X 36”. When you submit an abstract, please indicate whether you would prefer a Talk or Poster, or indicate that you have No Preference. If you wish to submit a proposal for a symposium, please see instructions below.
Symposia: Symposia will include 3-5 talks related organized around a single topic in one 1.5 hour session. To submit a symposium proposal, please send your proposal to Aimée Surprenant at asurpren@mun.ca by April 1. Please include:
- A short abstract describing the proposed topic of the symposium
- The title of each presentation
- The name of each presenting author Preference will be given to those symposia that have a mix EPS and CSBBCS members. Please keep gender balance in mind.
The conference will start at 3:00 pm on Wednesday July 4th and end at 4:00 pm on Saturday July 7th. All of the sessions and the banquet will be in the Delta Hotel, downtown St. John's. We've arranged with the hotel to have the conference rate extend back to July 1 and forward to July 10. PLEASE USE THE LINK BELOW TO BOOK YOUR ROOM. If you have any special requirements, or if you have any difficulty finding the room that you would like, please call the hotel directly at (709) 739-6404. Make sure to mention that you should get the special rate for CSBBCS.
Reservation link: Book your group rate for Canadian Society of Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science
Information for Online Reservation
If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to call (709) 739-6404.
Canadian Society of Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science
Start date: July 1st, 2018
End date: July 10th, 2018
Last day to book: 6/5/18
Marriott hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Delta Hotels St. John's Conference Centre for 204.00 CAD - 224.00 CAD per night
Book your group rate for Canadian Society of Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science
There are many other accommodation possibilities available--check out http://destinationstjohns.com/. Please note that July is the height of the tourist season so book early. Also, please note that if you are planning on traveling around the province, make those reservations early as well. There are usually more tourists than accommodations available, so booking early is essential.
Rental cars
If you would like to rent a car, please do it early (maybe right now!). There can be a shortage of rental cars in the summer. Cars can be reserved at the airport: http://stjohnsairport.com/to-from-airport/ground-transportation/car-rentals/
Newfoundland is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination and that means advance planning is necessary. If you are considering visiting other parts of the province and hiring a car, you are encouraged to make your lodging and car reservations very early. The island of Newfoundland is large (it is the 16th largest island in the world, approximately half the size of Great Britain), and most places outside of the Avalon peninsula (the location of St. John's) are quite small and book up quickly.
Newfoundland and Labrador boasts an incredibly diverse array of attractions that draw visitors from around the globe. We have put together a document outlining some of these here. While July is usually a little late for icebergs, one of the better places to visit to increase the chance of seeing these is Twillingate and the surrounding area. In general, the further north, the more icebergs. Up to date information can be found at icebergfinder.com, which is active during iceberg season.
The remains of a Viking settlement can be seen at the tip of the northern peninsula at L'Anse aux Meadows, approximately 1,100 km from St. John's. On the way, be sure to stop off at Gros Morne National Park, approximately 700 km from St. John's. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Or visit France while you are here: the ferry from Newfoundland to the French islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon leaves from Fortune, approximately 370 km from St. John's.
For participants from the UK, there are direct flights from both Gatwick (WestJet) and Heathrow (Air Canada), as well as a direct flight from Dublin (WestJet). When making travel plans, be sure your destination is St. John's International Airport, airport code YYT, and NOT Saint John Airport, airport code YSJ, which is in Saint John, New Brunswick.
Aimee Surprenant (asurpren@mun.ca) and Ian Neath, conference co-organizers
2018 Meeting
Open science pre-conference workshop brought to you by MIT Press
From good to better: Skills for executing a transparent research project.
Time: 10 AM - 2:30 PM (small lunch and refreshment breaks included)
Cost: Full Members - $40; Associate Members - $20. To register, simply select this option when you register for the conference.
Main Workshop Presenter: Candice Morey, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
Additional Speakers and Topics:
D. Stephen Lindsay, Editor-in-Chief of Psychological Science: Open Science and Modern Publishing
Alex Etz, Podcaster with The Bayes Factor: Open Science and Social Media
Shannon Cobb, NSERC Policy Analyst: Open Science and Research Funding
Transparency in science is more important now than ever – and although the idea of conducting science “in the open” can be intimidating, adequately planning and curating a transparent project is possible using skills that most psychological scientists already possess. Basically, it is about thinking what a naive analyst needs to know to understand what you did and use the information you have shared. However, some further skills allow researchers to make their work easier for users to understand and work with. Throughout the course of this hands-on workshop, we will acquire and curate a simple data set, plan a pre-registered replication, and then take the good materials we develop to the next level. In short, we will teach you everything you need to know to make the most of modern innovations in the area of open science. Additional speakers will further discuss how these developments will change the manner in which we fund, publish or share our work. Because this workshop has a hands-on component, we ask that you bring your laptop with you to the event. Refreshments and a small lunch will be provided. Registration is limited to 60 people.